
EasyConnect Changes

The OCDSB has determined changes are coming to the ATE EasyConnect System. OCEOTA does not have negotiated control of these changes, and opposes some of the changes. Below we try to advise and assist Members to understand the impacts of the changes imposed.


  1. A change in the contact process for newly created jobs means jobs will now be offered based on location preferences set in OT profiles.

Adjusting the “willing” location preferences in your ATE profile should increase offers at those locations. Members can control the locations, and amount of locations, and adjust/change them as they see fit. This should see an increase in the offers that come to Members from locations they’d prefer to work. An offer to 20 Members only will last until the JobBoard opens, then all online can see the position. How to change preferences LINK TO THE PDF


  1. EasyConnect JobBoard changes to posting newly created jobs at 5:30, previously 8:00pm.

A job is offered to 20 OTs through their chosen contact strategy (call, text or email). If this offer is before 5:30 it is held exclusively until 5:30 now for the 20 contacted Members,  then it becomes visible to all available OTs to accept. If a new job is created after 5:30 pm it will be offered to 20 Members and be simultaneously posted to the JobBoard for all to accept.


  1. EasyConnect changes contact times: still starts 4:30 (French) and 5:00 (English) but stops contacting OTs at 8:00pm, previously 9:00pm, Sunday through Thursday. 

This new contact strategy decreases the window of necessary availability by an OT, but increases the dependency on seeking work via the JobBoard. The JobBoard still remains open 24/7 for OTs to accept unfilled jobs up to 30 days in advance.


  1. A summary email of jobs offered of a Member which remain available is sent each morning. 

This is not a function that can be controlled or stopped in preferences. This email is to encourage Members to accept work still available ‘on-the-morning-of’ instead of Admin using uncertified emergency classroom supervisors. If you are still receiving job offers while in an LTO you need to change your calendar availability in the ATE system. If your school location preferences have been updated (as in #1 above) then the email should be to schools close-by. If you accept a job, but may be late arriving, contact the school and inform them as per Collective Agreement Article L14.08(d) & (e) and make your way safely to the school.


Links to further help:

Step-by-step Updating your Location preferences Apply to Education EasyConnect & JobBoard manual (ocdsb login req’d)

or Download pdf of Manual here  or if you use the phone app Apply to Education App user guide


ATE Changes Feb 9 2025


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