Professional Learning, Support, and Plans

Ontario Educator Resources (formerly EDUGains)

Student/Classroom Behaviour 1:1 Consultation Coaching Session request form

New Elementary Language Curriculum (2023)

OCDSB Math Portal

OCDSB Literacy Portal

Truth & Reconciliation supports

OPH Health & Physical Education Supports

Policies and Procedures you need to know

Modern Learning Resources Website

OCDSB Vetted Apps and Resources (login req’d)

Effective Assessment Practices in FSL

November Occasional Teacher PD Conference resources

OCDSB Coaching Support sessions

Helpful Reporting Guidelines for English Language Learners

Autism Support in OCDSB

Learning Support Services Guide for Students with Special Education Needs

Index of Elementary Long Range Plans

OCDSB Math Scope & Sequence Landing Page Grades K-8

The Learning Network Editions (login req’d)

Safety plans

Need Technical Help for Remote Learning?

Connect with OCDSB Client Service Centre via Google Meet with your inquiries about accounts, board technologies (desktops, laptops, mobile devices, Chromebooks etc), student systems, network and wifi connectivity and more.

Mondays to Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Go to and join with the Meet Nickname: TEAM-CSC

Modern Learning Resources Website available to OCDSB

Remote Learning Resources


Video re Scope & Sequence 

Request a Student/Classroom Behaviour (Google Meet) Support Session– a Social Emotional Learning Teacher Team or Itinerant Educational Assistant Team will contact you

Thinking of using a copyright-protected work in your classroom? It takes 30 seconds on to have your answer. Every teacher should bookmark the Fair Dealing Decision Tool for copyright questions  First, you must determine if you need permission from the copyright owner. The Fair Dealing Decision Tool helps teachers decide, with just a few clicks, whether fair dealing permits classroom use of short excerpts from print materials, artistic works, or audiovisual materials without needing to obtain copyright permission.