A Designated Occasional Teacher (DOT) is an occasional teacher designated to a specific school location for daily occasional teacher work.
Full Time, 5 Days Per Week
- Designated Occasional Teachers (DOTs) are assigned to specific schools (the “home” school) to fill absences as directed by the school’s administration each morning. DOTs do not get a continuing assignment unless the call system fails to fill the job each day. It must be reposted daily, even if a multi-day absence.
- In the event there is no assignment for a DOT on a given day at the “home” school, the DOT may be reassigned to another location for the home school’s hours. Every effort will be made to redeploy within 20 kilometers of the “home” school location.
- DOTs are eligible to claim mileage on a monthly basis for travel when redeployed from one school to another, in accordance with PR 529 FIN – Expense Procedure.
- DOTs are not required to work on professional development (PD) days.
- DOTs do not access student work or report to parents.
- DOTs are Daily OTs under the Collective Agreement.
- Must be Primary, Junior and Intermediate qualified, or willing to teach all divisions and programs.
- Must have access to a vehicle for redeployment purposes.
- DOTs are Daily OTs and follow the OCEOTA Collective Agreement
- Your DOT assignments are prioritized as: replace an absence that wasn’t filled by ATE, redeployed for same purpose, replacing a series of teachers to repay their missed prep, support students/small groups of a class.
- You’re not an ECE, EA, lunchtime monitor, or Custodian.
- You’ve no sick days but have the same work hours each day.
- You always get one uninterrupted lunch period of 40 mins during a regular lunch period, no matter your schedule.
- During a day without a teacher absence that you are repaying lost prep, supporting teachers, or No-Teacher-Absent your default schedule is no prep + no duty.
- If in for one teacher who is away; follow their scheduled duty and preps.
- Your only duty/prep is within the absent teacher’s schedule while you are covering for them. You are not on the Duty Schedule.
- In for multiple teachers who are away; you cover the duty within their part of your schedule, notwithstanding a 40 min lunch.
- Inform the dispatcher if arrival/departure coverage adjustments need to be made for the extra travel time you require.
- If redeployed you still have your home school’s start/ending bell times.
- If redeployed after reaching your home school you still only stay until your home school’s hours. Advise the dispatcher and confirm with the new Principal upon arrival about the necessary arranged coverage.
- You’re only redeployed once per day, and travel time is during instructional time excluding your break periods.
- Mileage is compensated when redeployed, but calculated from your home school to the new location.
OCDSB 2022-23 DOT memo (“their wording”)
The DOT will report to the same school (ie. their “home school”) each day and will be used to fill same day absences/unfilled assignments at the school or to pay back prep time or lost teaching support time to teachers at the school.
● Wherever possible, your DOT should be placed behind a single teacher absence and follow the absent teacher’s schedule (including duty and prep).
● Where your DOT is replacing multiple absences, they will cover the duty within their schedule, notwithstanding a 40 minute lunch. Please ensure your DOT has a schedule to follow when replacing multiple absences. DOTs are not to be placed on a regular duty schedule.
● In the event there are no absences and no classroom/prep support required at the home school, DOTs will be redeployed to neighboring schools. We will do our best to limit redeployment to a 10km radius, however this is dependent on absences and the needs of the schools.
● Please note that redeployed DOTs will remain at the school they were deployed to. Therefore, if an unexpected absence arises after you have already redeployed your DOT, please check with your neighboring schools to see if there are any available DOTs and/or complete the DOT request form and the dispatchers will assist you.
● DOT hours of work are the same as their home school. Dispatchers will do their best to redeploy DOTs to schools with the same hours. If this is not possible, schools with later start times will need to ensure there is coverage at the end of the day.
● If you are receiving or redeploying a DOT for a partial day, please ensure they are given a 40 minute uninterrupted lunch break (This does not include travel time).
● Assignments must still go out through EasyConnect to ensure occasional teachers have equal access to work.
● If a DOT fills an absence and the teacher the DOT is replacing indicates they will be absent the following day, the assignment must go out through EasyConnect rather than allowing the DOT to continue in the assignment. This remains true for a multi-day absence entry.
● DOTS must provide 5 days notice if they are resigning from their position to return to Occasional Teaching. However, if a DOT is awarded an LTO assignment, they may start in the assignment right away.
● DOTs are entitled to reimbursement for mileage traveled between their “home” school and the redeployed location as per PROCEDURE PR.529.FIN. This form must be signed by the Principal or Vice Principal. It is the DOT’S responsibility to submit the completed form directly to finance (mileageclaim@ocdsb.ca) for reimbursement.