Salary Grid

LTO pay % calendar 2023-24

Occasional Teacher Pay schedule 2023-24

Grid Rate Pay is calculated in Years of experience credit to the tenths of a year (along the Y axis) and QECO Category placement (along the X axis) e.g. CAT A3 Year 3.1, CAT A2 Year 0.3, *Grid Max A4 Year 10.0. To find out how to raise those read further, below, under Work Experience heading.

The salary grid is based on 2022-26 school years, the latest grid negotiated between OCEOTA, OPSBA and the Ministry of Education. LTO salaries are the same amount as contract teacher salaries but are calculated in a different manner.

On your pay stub, the salary will appear different than the total on the grid. However, when vacation and holiday pay are added (~8.115%), the total is exactly the same. Vacation and holiday pay are calculated as an annual percentage and 1/194 is added to your daily LTO rate.

Remember, LTOs are paid a daily rate of 1/194th of their salary. LTOs do not have their pay projected over a 12 month period like contract teachers.

When you are in an LTO during a reduced pay period, you will be paid 1/194th for each of the number of days worked [1/194th X 9; if pay period falls around Family Day or 1/194th x 5; if pay period includes the week of Spring Break]. You receive your pay every 2 weeks, but 2 weeks in arrears (see above link for pay period dates). 

OT Pay Periods schedule 2022-23

Increases in your grid pay


Our Collective Bargaining Team last round was able to negotiate previous external LTOs to now be considered as teaching experience by the OCDSB (applied from Sept 2022). So if you have not yet submitted your LTO experience from another board or education facility, or have previously been denied, please (re)submit ASAP.


  • Exact requirements to meet are in Collective Agreement article L14.03 below
  • Letters of Experience are expected on letterhead of the previous employer
  • The authority/school/board/district document should clearly outline the position and length of employment
  • Contact information and signature of authorized personnel should be included
  • Credit will only be applied in the month following receipt of the statement.
  • Documents should be sent to OR your LTO school’s HR Administrator (,,

In addition, please check to ensure that any daily teaching experience with the OCDSB in 2021-22, as outlined in (d) below, has been applied effective August 31, 2022.

From the OCEOTA Collective Agreement

Article L14.01 Category Placement

(a)     A Long Term Occasional Teacher shall have their salary category determined by a Statement of Evaluation from the Qualification Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO), Program 5 and shall be paid according to the corresponding salary group on the salary schedule of the Collective Agreement between the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and the Ottawa-Carleton Elementary Teachers’ Federation with experience as recognized under Article L14.03 and L14.04 of this Collective Agreement.

A Long Term Occasional Teacher who holds Ministry of Education of Ontario Certification or equivalent but, who holds a degree recognized in Ontario and who does not hold a QECO Statement of Evaluation shall be paid according to Category A1 of the above mentioned Collective Agreement.

NOTE: Teachers are responsible for submitting their QECO statement to the Human Resources Department.

(b) Notwithstanding the above, retired teachers who are in possession of a certification rating under the former Carleton Board of Education will be paid as a Long Term Occasional Teacher in accordance with their grandparented category placement.

(c) When a Long Term Occasional teaching assignment is known in advance, the teacher will be paid the grid salary effective the first day of the assignment.

From our Collective Agreement

Article L14.02  Change in Category Placement

A Long Term Occasional Teacher who submits a copy of their QECO Statement of Evaluation to the Human Resources Officer (Academic) for a change in category placement shall receive the adjustment as follows:

(a) If the statement is received between 1 September and 31 December inclusive, providing courses are completed prior to 31 August, the teacher’s salary shall be adjusted retroactive to 1 September or to the beginning of the LTO assignment, whichever is later.

(b) If the statement is received between 1 January and 31 May inclusive, providing the courses are completed prior to 31 December, the teacher’s salary shall be adjusted retroactive to the 1 January or the beginning of the LTO assignment, whichever is later.

(c) When a Long Term Occasional Teacher, through no fault of their own, cannot provide the Director of Education or designate with acceptable proof before the above-mentioned dates, the retroactive adjustment shall be protected within the school year if written notification of new qualifications and the attempts to establish their new category is provided before the 31 December and the 31 May cut off dates.  An acknowledgement card from QECO shall be considered as acceptable proof.  Such salary adjustment shall be withheld until acceptable proof is furnished by the teacher to the Director of Education or designate.

From our Collective Agreement

L14.03 Credit for Previous Teaching Experience

For purposes of placement and progression of Long Term Occasional teachers on the salary schedule, the following shall apply:

(a) Part-time or full-time teaching experience gained in a day program within the school year while engaged as a teacher holding an Ontario Teaching Certificate, or its equivalent, or as a member in good standing of the Ontario College of Teachers, shall be credited by the Board in determining placement on the salary schedule, provided the employment was either with a school board, or with other than a school board, where the teacher taught a program of study similar to that taught in the Ontario elementary school system.

Effective September 1, 2022 part-time or full-time teaching experience as indicated in Article L14.03 (a) will include both contract and long term occasional teaching experience.

It is the responsibility of the Occasional Teacher to provide Human Resources with official Certificate(s) of Teaching Experience.  Any change to a Long Term Occasional Teacher’s credited experience shall be made effective the month following the month in which the statement is received by Human Resources.

(b) Experience credit under this section shall be granted on the basis of one month credit for each full month employed, with ten months constituting a full school year.  A teacher must be employed for at least one-half of the available teaching days in a given month to gain credit for a full month’s teaching experience for that month.

(c) Effective May 13, 2009, teachers on long term occasional assignments shall be credited with previous long term occasional experience up to a maximum of five (5) years.  Credit shall be recorded each August 31.  A teacher must be employed for at least one-half of the available school days in a given month to gain credit for a full month teaching experience for that month.

(d) Daily Occasional Teaching (OT) Experience:  Effective September 1, 2021, teachers shall be credited with daily OT experience with the OCDSB (acquired after September 1, 2021) of 0.1 credit for every 36 FTE days worked.  The maximum credit that a teacher can acquire will be 0.5 per school year.  Daily OT experience credit will be up to a maximum of five (5) years.  Credit shall be recorded each August 31.


QECO Statements and Letters of Experience should be submitted by HR Administrator (if in LTO)

Kristina Vander Vecht HR Administrator 

(A. Lorne Cassidy – Fallingbrook, OCV)


Jennifer Jones-Kosmack HR Administrator 

(F. Mowat – Merivale, Central Academic)


Grace Wiegand HR Administrator 

(Metcalfe – York, Summer School)


Laura Askew       HR Administrator

Daily Elem. Occasional Teachers