I am proud to report through continued negotiations with the OCDSB we have had the interview process REMOVED from the English LTO pool process. You need only now meet these criteria to qualify to join the pool for the 2025-26 school year:
- on the elementary occasional teacher (OT) List for at least one year at the time of application. (by February 28, 2025).
- in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT).
- will have successfully completed a long term occasional assignment of three months or greater with the OCDSB, of any FTE, within the last five years. (December 31, 2019 – December 31, 2024) OR completion of a 5 consecutive months, or greater, as a Designated Occasional Teacher (DOT) assignment with the OCDSB.
- have no disciplinary letter on file nor involvement in a current investigation.
Candidates that meet the above criteria will be required to provide two (2) reference checks from OCDSB school administrators, one being from the most recent LTO completed. Employee Services will conduct a review of the reference information. Two successful reference checks will enable an applicant to be added to the English OT Pool.
The English LTO Pool posting #3920235 is in Apply to Education
(reminder the French Pool posting is #3857885)
During the placement process, LTO Vacancy lists will be shared with the successful pool candidates, via June and August vacancy lists. Candidates will apply to and rank the vacancies in order of preference. (Special education vacancies will be excluded from this process). Placements will be conducted based on qualifications and an OCDSB experience calculation. Candidates will not be assigned to a position to which they did not apply.
Special education vacancies will be excluded from this process and will be posted at the same time as List 2B & List 3. Participation in the English OT Pool process does not prevent an elementary occasional teacher from applying to a contract or special education LTO assignment. If an Occasional Teacher accepts a Special Education LTO through an interview, they are considered staffed, in accordance with the LTO staffing rules, and would not subsequently be placed via the pool process.
Jan 31- Feb 28, 2025 |
Posting for 2025-26 English OT Pool in Apply to Education |
Feb-March 2025 |
Reference checks conducted |
April 2025 |
Communication of results to applicants |
June 27, 2025 |
LTO Postings shared with pool participants |
June 30 – July 4, 2025 |
Placement Process |
August 1, 2025 |
Vacancy List shared with pool participants |
August 22-28, 2025 |
Placement Process |
Placement of pool participants may extend to the Fall reorganization. This process does not extend to mid-year hiring. All mid-year hiring will involve an interview process for each position.
2025-26 Elementary EN OT Pool FAQs (1)