
OTF’s 80th year

In April, Ontario Teachers’ Federation celebrated the start of its 80th year.

To celebrate this milestone year, we want to invite you, our members, to reflect on the incredible journey that generations of Ontario teachers have shared together.

The Ask/Invitation
OTF’s motto is Your Voice, Your Strength, so we’re inviting you to share YOUR VOICE by recording a short (up to 30 seconds) celebratory video.

Below you’ll find important information about shooting and sharing your video.

Shooting your video
You don’t need a production firm but do watch this short how-to film. It provides important tips to help you create the best-looking/sounding video.

You could film yourself solo or alongside a colleague or colleagues. You can keep it simple with a thumbs up or hold up a sign reading Happy 80th Anniversary or use one of the prompts below for inspiration.

  • What moment or person inspired you to become a teacher?
  • What’s the most memorable moment from your teaching career so far?
  • Why does public education matter?
  • What keeps you going and motivates you year after year?
  • What service or resource, provided by the OTF, has been useful to you?
  • What inspirational or hopeful message do you have for your Ontario colleagues?

So, get the creative juices flowing and remember…have fun and make it playful.

Sharing your video

Step 1Give the video this file name [Your last name]OTF80video
Step 2Upload your video to our designated Dropbox at the following link: https://bit.ly/OTF80VIDEOS
Step 3: After uploading your video, please fill out this short, five-question Google Form to help us keep track of video submissions.

Submission deadline
Friday, June 28, 2024

Recognizing your voice
If you send us a short video, we’ll enter your name in a draw to win a prize.

Thank you for helping us celebrate OTF’s 80th year. We look forward to showcasing your video messages during our celebrations throughout the coming year.

Yves Durocher
80th OTF President

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