Summary Poster of HS Forms
Health and Safety Concern Forms are found in eBase
Use these to report a potential or existing hazard which you believe presents a risk to the health or safety of individuals in your workplace. This includes high-risk behaviours by students. The principal will complete Section 2 and the form now waits in eBase for you to indicate if resolved or not. Unresolved concerns will be forwarded for review at the next JHSC sub-Committee meeting.
Instructions how to find eBase:
- On the OCDSB website select Staff Portal.
- Enter your OCDSB credentials.
- Select Administration/Elementary/Secondary icon.
- Select Health & Safety Concern Form.
- Use OCDSB login credentials.
- Open a New Form in the upper right hand corner.
- In the Workflow box, select H&S Concern form.
- Select the work site in the Facility box.
- Fill out all mandatory fields, drop-downs will be created.
- Click Submit for review once all fields are filled out.
Your supervisor will receive an email notification once an online form has been submitted. Your supervisor will identify actions that have been or will be taken as follow up to the incident and you will receive via email the report with this section completed. The last step provides you with the option to “Mark as Unresolved” and to include additional details about the incident and any recommendations that you may have for resolving your concerns.
Please contact the OCEOTA office at 613-221-9135 if you have any questions or require assistance in dealing with workplace violence.
Workplace Accident or Injury Form 140 Fillable Accident Form #140
This form must be used to report any accident which you may incur at work. Follow the directions on the form and send copies to the designated people.
NOTE: All OTs, DOTs, daily and LTOs, must fill out the hard copy NOT the e-form (we’re not in the Principal’s directory for them to locate).
Indoor Air Quality concerns
1.) Complete the Occupational Health and Safety Concern Form via eBase.
2.) Complete the Indoor Environmental Quality Pre-Assessment Form (IEQ Pre-Assessment Form).
3.) Present the IEQ Pre-Assessment to the Supervisor when you submit the Health and Safety Concern Form online. Keep a copy for your records.