Professional Learning Fund:
Application(s) for professionally related conferences, workshops or credit courses from July 1 to June 30 will be considered. A maximum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per school year per applicant is allowed.
REMINDER: Elementary OT requests for a Superintendent signature required for Part 2 and 3 AQ courses should contact prior to the course enrollment.
If you are purchasing any professional learning resource books, you may apply for up to fifty dollars ($50.00) per school year. This rebate may be accessed by members in addition to funds for conference, workshops and credit courses.
- Applicants must be current members of OCEOTA while enrolled in the course and at the time the application is processed.
- Applicants must not be part-time members of OC-ETFO. The PL Fund is open to 100% OCEOTA members only. If you are a partial OC-ETFO member, you may apply to their PL Fund.
- Applications are to be made after successful course completion.
- Proof of payment and completion of course must be received before a cheque will be issued
- OCDSB courses are not eligible
- Applications will be processed on a first received basis until the fund is depleted. Apply early!
- Fund does not pay for classroom resources used by students.
- AQ or University course texts or required readings are ineligible.
- Applications must be received no later than the final day of school in the school year the course is completed. If the course is not completed until after the final day of school, it applies to the following school year. If you do not receive confirmation of course completion for a course that is completed before the final day of school, please contact the OCEOTA office prior to the final day of school for direction. All courses taken in July and August are considered summer courses and applications will not be processed until September. These courses will apply to the upcoming school year’s Fund.
If you meet the above Conditions for Funding, you may apply. Select the link below that applies to your funding request.
Application for PL Workshops, Conferences & AQ Courses 2024-25:
PL Form
Application for PL Resource Materials 2024-25:
PL Materials Form
Cheques will be mailed to the applicant after the application has been approved and processed.
Appeal a Denial of Funding:
Members who have the application denied may appeal that decision by emailing the President.
Check ETFO EMS for other learning opportunities.