Section L of our Policies & Procedures

Email katharine.fitzpatrick@ocdsb.ca for application details.

Local Awards

            (a) Outstanding Service to OCEOTA

Policy: OCEOTA may award a member or up to three members who have given outstanding service to the local, community, education, or Federation. The recipient(s) shall be recognized at the OCEOTA AGM.


Members may be nominated by any member of the association. Members must nominate by using the OCEOTA Outstanding Service to OCEOTA nomination form, which can be found on the OCEOTA website. Nomination forms must be submitted to the Awards committee by the March executive meeting. The awards committee will include at least one executive member who is not nominated and one non-executive member. The committee will review nominations and/or suggest other candidates. Recommendations will be made at the March executive meeting. Executive will make a final decision as to whether or not (a) recipient(s) will be selected at the April executive meeting. This is not an annual award.

 The candidate must be a member in good standing, adheres to the ETFO Code of Conduct and supports the Objects of the OCEOTA, who is actively engaged in federation activities.  The candidate must meet at least three criteria below:

  • demonstrates knowledge of federation
  • demonstrates leadership on a committee, or as a volunteer at federation events
  • actively defends the collective agreement
  • demonstrates leadership in the community
  • demonstrates leadership in the school community.

At the May AGM, the recipient will receive an engraved plaque and a cheque for $100.00

The inscription on the plaque shall read:

The Outstanding Service to OCEOTA award is presented to ___ in recognition of their significant commitment to the OCEOTA and its members.


(b) President’s Award

Policy: The President may recognize an OCEOTA member, or recent retiree from OCEOTA, who has made outstanding contributions to the Federation.


  1. The following criteria will be used by the President to select a candidate. All criteria must be met. The candidate:
  • is a member or recent retiree from the OCEOTA;
  • has given outstanding service to the OCEOTA;
  • has given generously of their time and has been an active supporter of the initiatives and objectives of the OCEOTA;
  • has represented OCEOTA at provincial and regional meetings;
  • has made a significant contribution to the Federation at the Local and/or Provincial level.
  1. At the May AGM, the recipient will receive an engraved plaque and a cheque equal to the amount of the daily rate.
  2. The inscription on the plaque shall read:

The President’s Award for Outstanding Service is presented to ________ in recognition of their significant, long-term commitment to the OCEOTA and its members.


(c) Long Service Award

Policy: OCEOTA may award a member who has been a verified OCEOTA member for five and/or ten years. The pins will be awarded at the Fall GM.


OCEOTA will identify members who have served five or ten years as a member of OCEOTA.  They will be invited to the Fall GM. Individuals must attend the Fall GM to claim their award.

The following criteria will be used to select a candidate. The candidate:

  • Member in good standing OCEOTA for five years
  • Member in good standing OCEOTA for ten years

Following the presentation, recipients will pose for a group photo.