This booklet sets out a general guide to member rights and responsibilities. In (Part I, Central portion of) the OCEOTA Collective Agreement only birth mothers in LTOs qualify for Supplemental Employment Benefits (SEB).
This booklet is available in both PDF and downloadable
Word format.
** Booklet guidance must be adjusted if you will receive benefits through the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan as a resident of Quebec
Leaves provide that the employer will hold your position on the OT Roster until you return. OCEOTA Members will retain a place on the OT Roster and not be purged. Pregnancy/Parental Leaves from OCDSB can be shortened and extended but can only be initiated once per child. Documentation is required.
Benefits are payments, determined by the Federal Government or Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (who qualifies/duration of/amount per week). These benefits may have maternity “top-ups” provided by the OCDSB for 8 weeks or until your LTO end-date (whichever is shorter). Benefits have differing parameters in each unique situation.
Leaves and Benefits are independent of each other, and do not need to be the same duration.
e.g. Living in Ontario you could qualify to receive Federal Benefits for 63 weeks, and LTO “top-up SEB” benefits (from OCDSB) for the first 8 weeks after birth, but your Leave from work could be 96 weeks long.