plans ocv support/

The Learning Network:

Learning Network #9

Learning Network #8

Learning Network #7

Learning Network #6

Learning Network Edition #5

Learning Network #4

Learning Network #3

The Learning Network #2

The Learning Network #1

Helpful Reporting Guidelines for English Language Learners

Need Technical Help for Remote Learning?

Connect with OCDSB Client Service Centre via Google Meet with your inquiries about accounts, board technologies (desktops, laptops, mobile devices, Chromebooks etc), student systems, network and wifi connectivity and more.

Mondays to Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Go to and join with the Meet Nickname: TEAM-CSC

Modern Learning Resources Website available to OCDSB

Remote Learning Resources

OCV Workshops Presentation: New to OCV and Tech?

These Learning Network links below are loaded with a variety of extremely helpful tips, techniques, units, lessons, activities etc to help teachers excel while teaching virtually.


Modern Learning Website

Coach Support Sessions

Vetted Apps & Resources note tabs at bottom of page

Index of Long Range Plans  includes links to curriculum docs (Scope & Sequence)

Video re Scope & Sequence 

Daily Plans for Non-French Speaking OTs          

 Primary plans Junior plans Intermediate plans

Access to September PD Day Training Modules

Daily OTs are not provided pay for the training modules presented on PA Days. Many OTs have asked if we could provide the modules as links for those of you who wish to take part in the training. Enjoy!

Deepening our Understanding of the Relationship between Well-Being and Racism 

Literacy Link 2nd edition – Reading

Numeracy Elementary Mathematics PL presentation

Mandatory Security Awareness Training              How to access the training

Health & Safety Training                             Google slides

Bullying Prevention & Intervention         Google slideshow

Assessment and Evaluation (In person)

Instruction, Assessment & Evaluation (OCV)   

Assessment and Evaluation Sept 2021 slideshow

Thinking of using a copyright-protected work in your classroom? First, you must determine if you need permission from the copyright owner. The Fair Dealing Decision Tool helps teachers decide, with just a few clicks, whether fair dealing permits classroom use of short excerpts from print materials, artistic works, or audiovisual materials without needing to obtain copyright permission. It takes 30 seconds on to have your answer.

Every teacher should bookmark the Fair Dealing Decision Tool for copyright questions: