Experience Credit
For purposes of placement and progression of Long Term Occasional teachers on the
salary schedule, the following shall apply:
(a)Part-time or full-time teaching experience gained in a day program within the
school year while engaged as a teacher holding an Ontario Teaching Certificate,
or its equivalent, or as a member in good standing of the Ontario College of
Teachers, shall be credited by the Board in determining placement on the salary
schedule, provided the employment was either with a school board, or with other
than a school board, where the teacher taught a program of study similar to that
taught in the Ontario elementary school system.
It is the responsibility of the Occasional Teacher to provide Human Resources
with official Certificate(s) of Teaching Experience. Any change to a Long Term
Occasional Teacher’s credited experience shall be made effective the month
following the month in which the statement is received by Human Resources.
(b)Experience credit under this section shall be granted on the basis of one month
credit for each full month employed, with ten months constituting a full school
year. A teacher must be employed for at least one-half of the available teaching
days in a given month to gain credit for a full month’s teaching experience for
that month.
(c)Effective May 13, 2009, teachers on long term occasional assignments shall be
credited with previous long term occasional experience up to a maximum of five
(5) years. Credit shall be recorded each August 31. A teacher must be employed for at least one-half of the available school days in a given month to gain credit for a full month teaching experience for that month.
To summarize: Members will have previous permanent teaching recognized as credit, and have LTO assignments within OCDSB recognized as credit up to maximum of an additional 5 years. Questions? Call the OCEOTA office for help.