
Report Cards expectations

Links to Aspen, Assessment, and Report Card writing Memos from OCDSB

Specific report card rules aren’t outlined in our Collective Agreement when the LTO departs/enters close to a reporting deadline, but past practice is the person in the hot-seat at the time they are due (Jan 31-Feb 5th) is the responsible person to write and input into Aspen.

Departing an LTO

Admin may suggest that a departing LTO contribute or complete the Report Cards after their LTO ends. This is your choice, not compulsory. Communicate with your Admin about how to best collaborate on the reports with the ‘returning teacher’ unless they are off and shouldn’t be contacted.  You need to remain collaborative and professional with your responsibilities as the assessor as you leave a position by leaving your record of learning/assessments, providing/confirming the most recently triangulated evidence of learning, Expectations covered, and a few potential comments for subjects clearly for the returning teacher. Your replacement would then do the work. Share this with both Admin and them (if you do know who it is returning) to ensure that there is no problems, misgivings or complaints around what is left. ‘Helping the incoming teacher’ may be .

If you choose to return to the school and complete the Report Cards, OCEOTA believes such work should be paid at LTO rate. However, the Board usually balks and offers only Daily rate. If you do decide to go in you could suggest that Admin can complete a manual timesheet to compensate for writing report cards (“grid rate” marked on timesheet) IF YOU WANT to do them.

Starting an LTO

The above info inversely applies to the position you are moving into. You should receive the learning record, current marks, expectations covered, and comments for subjects clearly from the teacher leaving. Prior to accepting the LTO you can discuss the reporting responsibilities over with the Admin so you aren’t in a difficult situation being unable to contact the outgoing teacher. A professional discussion about task expectations is reasonable.

Some options to consider may be: partially inputting/completing student grades/comments left for you, Admin completes report cards, using “I” for incomplete with comments explaining, release time provided during workday, collaboration with Admin/previous teacher, using initials to designate who has provided the comments, directing parent questions to Admin etc.

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